Cheeks Cardiff

Sagging sunken cheeks are common signs of loss of collagen and elastin within the skin.

Find out how HIFU Cardiff can help you by contacting us today!

How to lose Fat From Cheeks Cardiff? - How can HIFU Help?


High Intensity Focused Ultrasound commonly known as (HIFU) is a methodology that is used to treat an assortment of therapeutic conditions and ought not be mistaken for particular ultrasound-based gadgets used as a part of facial aesthetics which this can show you how to lose fat from cheeks.

To date,  HIFU Cardiff can be said to be the main non-intrusive method that is FDA-cleared to lift skin on the cheeks, under the chin, neck and also on the eyebrow.

The ultrasound-based gadget fixes the facial tissues, lose fat, mouth and tone using thermal energy. The energy warms up the tissues underneath the skin, which empowers collagen creation and ensuing tightening.

HIFU treatment for the cheeks Cardiff can help you fix your cheek up to your satisfaction and give you a youthful look.

Benefits of HIFU Treatment For The Cheeks Cardiff

It is clinically proven to work on cheek.
The procedure is effective and safe.
It is relatively cheaper as compared to a surgical face lift
There is no need for sedation
There are no incisions done so no risk of infection
The cheek will heal fast as there is no downtime
The treatment is painless and also little to no discomfort is experinced
The results last for a while
HIFU can infiltrate to depths which were previously conceivable with a surgical procedure.

Why HIFU Treatment for the cheeks Cardiff is best option for you:

HIFU can enable you to recapture your confidence.
A lot of people are insecure about their cheek region looks in general. It can weigh them down and bring up some self-esteem issues that are hard to ignore. HIFU is known to lessen the sagging of the skin, which are a cause of ageing.

Safe Alternative to Botox

This way you get that youthful look because they decrease the skin hanging on the skin, and diminish folds around your face.

Working on the cheeks additionally enhances the tone and every one of the highlights of your face, for example, your chin, eyes and mouth likewise making it a practical other option to Botox.

Aftercare of HIFU treatment for the cheeks Cardiff 

After the treatment, most customers get a self-esteem boost which is healthy. It is also great for a post-cosmetic lift to keep up the lift. Every treatment session depends on the area being treated.

Tailored Treatment for the cheeks Cardiff

Your treatment is customised to your specific requirements which are examined in your pre-treatment meeting. Extra time will be needed if require more regions done but for the cheeks, it is swift and straightforward. The treatment can be done on all skin tones and types as well.